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Hezlett Primary School, Castlerock, Co Londonderry


Welcome to Hezlett Primary School’s website.
I hope that you enjoy navigating around the site, and that you get a snapshot of life in our wonderful school.
We have a supportive school community, with pupils and parents, governors and our dedicated staff working together to ensure that our school offers the very best educational experiences for the young people in our care.
Hezlett Primary School educates the ‘whole child’ and we offer a wide variety of experiences outside the classroom through Eco-Schools, Forest Schools, Sustrans, sport and a myriad of extra-curricular activities. We delight in celebrating our pupils’ success and pride ourselves in being a friendly, welcoming school where every child is a special individual.  Find out more about what Hezlett Primary School has to offer as you explore
this exciting new website.

Donna Winters

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28th Jun 2024
The children had such a great day at Sperrin Fun Farm, the rain didn't dampen spirits...
27th Jun 2024

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